December 2022
Celebration of the holiday spirit!
CIMI sponsors and families gathered outdoors on Saturday December 17, 2022 for their annual Adopt a Family holiday event. This year 42 families received holiday gifts from sponsors. CIMI had much to celebrate this year from its continuing educational programs like Girls Who Code, and athletic programs like volleyball, the Adopt a Family event helped bring the successful year to a close.
Team of volunteers consisting of CIMI family moms, board members and sponsors organized the festive event for 137 people at Santa Maria Urban Ministries in San Jose California.
CIMI families surprised everyone with a special poster showing their gratitude.
Congratulations to the CIMI team for another successful year and finishing strong with a great party.
Every year we improve more, and every year we learn more. I liked this year’s setup. Thank you!
Thank you Rosario and Paty for your leadership.
Thank you Don Alfonzo for all the support and the flowers that you donated for all the donors!
Thank you for making the posters with the photos that highlighted CIMI events this year.
Thank you, CIMI Board Members, for your dedication to delivering all the programs this year – Coding, Volleyball, Gas Card, Back to School, and Adopt A Family.
We are especially grateful to the generous donors who made these events possible. We could not have done this without you.
Thanks for everything!!!
With gratitude,
Aracely Areas
CIMI Founder
A huge thank you for the help you gave us to CIMI and the donors, for all the support and help with the classes for my daughter Amy, my family and I wish you happy holidays. -Janeth Garcia
See more photos here:
CIMI, Inc.
P.O. Box 1743, Los Gatos, CA, 95031